Centres Of Excellence - In the Greater South East and Mapping the Innovation Potential (2008-2009) :

The mapping of the Centers of Excellence in Research in the Greater South East of England (GSE) was undertaken as part of the research project for mapping of the Health Technology Cluster in the Greater South East. The research identified a significant concentration of universities and public sector research institutions, as well as private sector research establishments throughout the GSE region. This large pool of research active institutions includes 61 grant-holder institution recipients of research funds and over 700 commercial R&D enterprises in the region.

The project outcomes include a comprehensive database containing information of the innovation potential in the region – searchable by a number of categories: type of technology, department hosting the research grant, names of individual grant holders, titles and abstracts of the research grants, and research partners. The database contains details for 8862 research projects for the period 2000-2007 and 6938 names of individual grant holders. Although the majority of the grants are in the field of bio-technology, all types of bio-medical and health technologies are represented.

Excerpts from the report:

    "The distribution of research grants shows a very steep curve, where the top 4 research institutions (University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, University College London and Imperial College) have received 61% of the research grants and 69% of the total regional funding for the period 2000-2007. Beyond that lead, there is another set of large grant holders, where the top 17 research institutions control 86% of the grants and 97% of the total amount of funding for the same period, which is 8862 grants for £ 4,3 bln GBP."

    "The leading research institutions in the region are highly concentrated in London (8 in LDA, 5 in SEEDA and 3 in EEDA – excluding MRC as a recipient of research funds). We observe that 47% of the grants are awarded to LDA institutions, 29% - to EEDA institutions, and 29% to SEEDA institutions. This high concentration of research funding in London could explain also the high concentration of commercial R&D activities in London."


Access to the database is available at: http://rcgp.org.uk/.