Research Workshop:
A Collaborative Interdisciplinary Global Partnership Network Workshop, University of Surrey, University of Sao Paolo.
February 16-18, 2015

With the sponsorship from the University Global Partnership Network (UGPN) and the support from the Pro-Vice Chancellor International’s Office, scholars from the Research Centre for ‘Business Clusters, Networks and Economic Development’ (BCNED), University of Surrey and ‘Stakeholders & Networks’ group, University of Sao Paolo in Brazil formed a new collaborative network. The grant was awarded to support the project on ‘Global Business Clusters, Networks and Global Supply Chains’ and the collaboration between the Faculty of Economics and Administration (FEA) at the University of Sao Paolo in Brazil, and Surrey Business School at the University of Surrey in the UK.
During the two research visits in Brazil and in the UK the team engaged in a large number of collaborative meetings and workshops and prepared the ground for two forthcoming publications and fostering future collaborative research.
A Collaborative Interdisciplinary Global Partnership Network Workshop, University of Surrey, University of Sao Paolo.
February 16-18, 2015
University global partnership, University of Surrey & University of Sau Paulo in a Collaborative Interdisciplinary Workshop
This is a two-day workshop programme with leading experts in the field of Triple Helix and university industry-government
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