Mapping cross-sectoral and cross-regional value chains for emerging sectors, technologies and thematic prototypes enhance the knowledge of regional stakeholders of their own capabilities and prepares them for inter-regional collaboration.
Collaborative model of governance
Multi-stakeholder engagement for the selection of smart specialisation strategies and development of implementation plans
Dialogue around the challenges for growth and internationalisation
Critical understanding of skills gaps and entrepreneurial potential
Production of evidence of concentration of regional and industry capabilities in strategic groups of firms – as flagship resources and evidence of critical mass
Detection of relevant linkages and flows of goods, services and knowledge, revealing possible patterns and pathways of product and service integration with partner regions and firms
To reveal synergies and complementarities across sectors and segments of the regional economy
Visualisation of emerging business opportunities and input-output market relationships
Understanding of supply chain linkages and potential for R&D partnerships
Strategic value chain optimisation, aiming to exploit upstream economies of scale, downstream economies of scope and how to minimise coordination costs
Leveraging core assets and synergies from multi-product and multi-technology operations
Facilitated input-output market relationships and fostering inter-regional collaborations through match-making
Learning from foreign market activities and inter-regional collaborations for enhanced absorptive capacity of local firms
GVC mapping is an enabler in the policy implementation process, collecting evidence both for the supply and the demand side in a region, and identifying the lead business actors that can drive the value chain integration.
The BCNED methodology for value chain mapping is based on the use of comprehensive dataset of firms including local SMEs, multinational enterprises and foreign subsidiaries. Extensive firm datasets enable the identification of industry segments and boundaries, and critical mass of capabilities at regional and national level. The mapping uses a portfolio of complementary analytical techniques, exploring inter-industry relationships and strategic value chain groups.
Based on pattern recognition and network mapping. Structural Analysis (using cluster and network analysis techniques), Relational Analysis, Semantic Mapping, Network Visualisation, in addition to the standard statistical analysis of data.
The BCNED Team offers a comprehensive cluster mapping and cluster analysis of sectoral business activities.
Cluster mapping is based on a proprietary multi-stage methodology that encompasses formal statistical methods and analytical procedures.
The cluster analysis is based on complementary databases and includes performance analysis of sectoral activities, value chain analysis, partnership mapping and analysis of inter-firm relationships, among others.
BCNED Team offers comprehensive cluster mapping and cluster analysis of sectoral business activities and business performance of strategic business groups.
The BCNEDTeam offers a comprehensive blog analysis for mapping on-line public opinion and emerging community leaders
Blog Analysis is based on a proprietary methodology that includes web-search techniques,network analysis, and analysis of texts for a selected field of enquiry.