Business Clusters in the Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing Sector:

The Zhe Jiang Province in China (2005)

This project was undertaken in collaboration with Bob Meng, Research Fellow, Faculty of Engineering - now Associated Dean, Surrey International Institute, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (DUFE), China. The research project aimed to enhance our current knowledge on industrial clusters and business networks in China from a comparative perspective. It included both empirical and theoretical investigation aiming at ‘proof of concept’, that consist of a new methodology for comparative analysis of business networks and business groups in China. The empirical investigation is based on operations by the Chint and the Delixi Business Groups.



    • The project represented an empirical investigation based on 'Business network theory(Todeva, 2006)

      BOOK »

    • Published Results:
      Network Structure of Industrial Clusters: An Examination of the Electrical Equipment Cluster in China


    • Business Networks in China: Legacies and Practice