THA Videos

Vivamus non pretium lorem. Nullam elit risus, vulputate a dolor id, efficitur interdum dui. Fusce elementum, ex in pretium posuere, lacus ligula malesuada sapien, sit amet ultricies enim arcu quis diam. Cras et hendrerit nunc, non feugiat leo. Nullam bibendum felis eleifend, sodales elit bibendum, consectetur lorem. Quisque gravida ligula eget libero lobortis iaculis. Suspendisse potenti. In lacinia, enim at bibendum maximus, ipsum nisl ornare orci, quis sodales nibh nisl id turpis. Morbi quis interdum lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas tempus ligula elit, a fermentum sem varius vel.

BCNED / THA Videos

Series of Triple Helix Videos 29th - 30th May 2014

Key Lectures:

Participant Lecture recording
PLAY ALL - PLAYLIST Video of the first Webinar of the Triple Helix Association, and 40 Lectures that followed at Surrey University
Prof Henry Etzkowitz: Innovation in Innovation... in a Triple Helix The Entrepreneurial University in a Triple Helix. This is a extract from the first Webinar of the Triple Helix Association, hosted by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic .
Prof Mark Casson: A View from Institutional Economics This is a extract from the first Webinar of the Triple Helix Association, hosted by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic
Prof Mike Danson: Triple Helix and Clusters, Institutions and Local Voices A collaborative workshop, organised by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic Development at the University of Surrey, and the Triple Helix Association
Dr. James Wilson: Orkestra & Deusto Business School, University of Deusto A collaborative workshop, organised by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic Development at the University of Surrey, and the Triple Helix Association.
Prof Panayiotis Ketikidis: University Industry Interaction in Greece A collaborative workshop, organised by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic Development at the University of Surrey, and the Triple Helix Association.
Dr. Chiara Cantu: Co-Managed Innovation A collaborative workshop, organised by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic Development at the University of Surrey, and the Triple Helix Association.
Ms Tatjana Taneva: Triple Helix-Boosting the Innovation Potential in the Metropolitan Area of Thessaloniki This is the first Webinar of the Triple Helix Association, hosted by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic .
Prof Erik Vermeulen: The Triple helix: From Innovation to Business Creation. Law & Economics of High-Tech Ecosystems A collaborative workshop, organised by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic Development at the University of Surrey, and the Triple Helix Association.
Professor Jay Mitra: Exploring Innovative Cross-Border Opportunities A collaborative workshop, organised by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic Development at the University of Surrey, and the Triple Helix Association .
Ms Tatiana Schofield: International Alliance Management in Triple Helix Formation A collaborative workshop, organised by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic Development at the University of Surrey, and the Triple Helix Association .
Professor João Mauricio Gama Boaventura & Professor Eduardo Armando: A Comparative analysis between wine industries in Chile and Brazil A collaborative workshop, organised by the Research Centre for Business Clusters and the Triple Helix Association .
Mr Michael Kitson: The Myth of the Ivory Tower A collaborative workshop, organised by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic Development at the University of Surrey, and the Triple Helix Association .
Mr Nick Rodgers: Triple Helix - A Benefit or a Hindrance to Business? A collaborative workshop, organised by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic Development at the University of Surrey, and the Triple Helix Association.
Dr Emanuela Todeva: Intermediation in the Triple Helix: Who is in control? A collaborative workshop, organised by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic Development at the University of Surrey, and the Triple Helix Association.
Mr Chris Shilling: Can a Triple Helix Approach Change Pharmaceutical Innovation A collaborative workshop, organised by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic Development at the University of Surrey, and the Triple Helix Association.
Dr Virginia Acha: Biologics – Biosimilars: Science and Market Co-development by Triple Helix Actors A collaborative workshop, organised by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic Development at the University of Surrey, and the Triple Helix Association.
Prof Paul O Brien: The Case of ELAROS A collaborative workshop, organised by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic Development at the University of Surrey, and the Triple Helix Association.
Dr Pierre Hausemer: The Role of Intermediaries in Triple Helix Interactions... A collaborative workshop, organised by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic Development at the University of Surrey, and the Triple Helix Association.
Mr Kai Kaufmann: Institutionalizability as Recursion A collaborative workshop, organised by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic Development at the University of Surrey, and the Triple Helix Association.
Prof David Knoke: Investigating the Triple Helix with Multi-Mode Network Analysis A collaborative workshop, organised by the Research Centre for Business Clusters, Networks and Economic Development at the University of Surrey, and the Triple Helix Association.

    Triple Helix for NEWBIES

    Video of the first Webinar of the Triple Helix Association, and 40 Lectures that followed at Surrey University

    Film Location: Surrey University

    Published and broadcast (May 2014)

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    THA First Webinar

    Part of the open access week - an Interview with Dr Emanuela Todeva, Senior lecturer at the Surrey Universtity Business school - discussing open access questions about innovation. Senior Lecturer in Strategy and International business at Surrey University

    Film Location: Surrey University

    Published and broadcast (May 2014)

    Watch Video »